1. Practise counting in 2's, 5's & 10's
2. Count forward and backwards from 0-50
3. Write in order numerals 0-50
4. I can write numbers 1-20 in words
5. I know my number bonds to 10
(Song- 5 and 5 add up to ten, 6 and 4 make it again, 7 and 3 will also do, look look look for 8 and 2, 9 and 1, zero and ten make the number bonds to 10.)
6. I can name 2D shapes (triangle/rectangle/square/circle) and say some properties about them (number of corners/edges)
7. I can name 3D shapes (sphere/cone/cuboid/cylinder/pyramid/cone)
Complete the one more/ one less worksheet
This week we have been looking at 'People who help us at home or at school'
Think about all the people at school and the different jobs they do (Mr Parkes/ Mrs Fox/ Mrs Morley)
Think about the people at home who help you and what jobs they do (Mummy does the hoovering)
Make a Thank you card for an adult at home to show them how much you appreciate everything that they do. Draw a picture on the front and write a message inside
' Dear Mum, Thank you for making my dinner and tidying up after me. Love from ...'
Go for a walk and create some art.
Think about what you would like to make. Think about what objects you will need. Think about where you will create your art. Take a picture.
Once you have finished - think about what you would do differently next time - something to make it better?
Fine motor
1. Do some cutting out - straight/ curved/zig-zag lines
2. Complete a 20 piece jigsaw game
3. Draw a picture and colour in (staying inside the lines)
4. Draw a person with a head/body/arms/legs
5. Can use a knife to chop up a banana/ uses a knife and fork at meal times.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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